Visit your local Miles Pharmacy pharmacist for expert face-to-face advice and support to help treat hair loss.

How Can Miles Pharmacy Help Men with Hair Loss?

Are you suffering from hair loss? You are not alone. Hair loss – in the form of male pattern baldness – is typically a hereditary genetic condition. It affects at least 50% of men over the age of 50 and can start as early as your 20s.

Pharmacists at Miles Pharmacy in Epsom can consult with you about different hair loss treatments and help you decide which is best.

Even though there isn’t a cure for hair loss, there are effective prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) treatments available to slow loss and stimulate hair regrowth. Finasteride or Propecia are popular and effective medications that are prescription-only treatments. These are available at Miles Pharmacy as well as the Rogaine foam (available OTC) to help slow or even reverse hair loss for men.

hair loss - Miles Pharmacy
hair loss - Miles Pharmacy

Hair Loss Symptoms

The common signs of male pattern baldness include thinning hair at the sides and top of the head. There are many effective treatments that are available that can slow hair loss and, in some cases, stimulate hair regrowth.

Hair Loss Causes

Male hair loss occurs when hair follicles convert testosterone into another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT causes hair follicles to shrink, weaken, and eventually die and fall out. It also slows down hair production and can stop hair growth altogether.

Hair Loss Services at Miles Pharmacy

Common hair loss treatments and medications include Finasteride, Propecia, and Rogaine.

Finasteride and Propecia block DHT by stopping the hormone from attacking hair follicles. This daily tablet needs to be taken for 3-6 months to see an effect due to the hair growth cycles in your follicles.

Rogaine is applied topically on the scalp and works by increasing the flow of blood and nutrients to the hair follicles, which can help stimulate new, healthier hair growth. You can use this treatment alongside Finasteride or Propecia for a more intensive treatment.

You should take note that if you stop using these hair loss treatments, hair loss will resume. So, if you begin, make sure you are committed to the treatment process.

Hair Loss Prevention

As soon as you notice hair loss you should begin treating it to avoid further loss. It’s much easier to prevent hair from being lost than to regrow it.

Almost two-thirds of men who use hair loss medication benefit from renewed hair growth.

 Hair Loss Services & Treatment are available at Miles Pharmacy in Epsom. We will have your prescription medicine ready for discreet in-store collection or free home delivery within two business days. Contact us at with any inquiries or to book an appointment.